Monday 28 March 2016

Research Task

The art of photography and camerawork in film-making. The cinematographer is in charge of the camera, electric and grip departments.

  • Before digital technology, films would be in black an white, through advances, the creators would hand colour them after the production process.
  • This process has been revolutionized withe the use of digital technology whereby filmmakers can film using a camera and the picture is colored even before the post-production stage. Then they are able to use editing software and enhance aspects of the colour such as the saturation. 
  • The types of digital technology includes;
  1. Cinema technique eg, the way the camera is positioned
  2. Image sensor and film stock
  3. Filters
  4. Lens
  5. Lighting and camera movement
  • These digital technologies have revolutionized the way that filmmakers create and shoot their films. For example, they now use tripods to hold the camera steady and they can now use lenses to add different lighting and tones of colour to the film. This then allows them to create modern day films that interest viewers. 
  • This new media technology had now impacted audiences by being able to create films that are modern and developed which interests them more. Also, the colour of a scene helps the audience feel how the director wants them to. For example, having a contrast of blue over the scene creates a sad effect while red could reflect anger. 

Sound refers to everything the audience hear in a film. This can include non-diegetic sound ( what has normally been put in during the editing process such as voice overs, mood music and some sound effects) or diegetic sound ( what is part of the scene such as voices, sounds of objects within the scene, ect.). Sound can be used to heighten the mood, provide information about the environment and much more.   

  • Before the advancement of digital technology, the majority of films would be mute and if there was dialog, it would be written and shown on the screen, they would also have music over the film to represent the tone of the film. For example, up beat tempo if it was funny. 
  • This process has been revolutionized by allowing filmmakers to create films with dialog, diegetic and non diegetic sounds before the post -production stage. 
  • The types of digital technology includes; 
  1. Microphones
  2. recordings of non - diegetic sounds
  3. editing software  
  • These digital technologies have revolutionized the way in which filmmakers create films. For example, they can now edit sounds onto films to make them more realistic and interesting such as gun sounds.
  • Through the use of digital technology, audience members become more engaged in the film due to the high quality sound which keeps them interested and as the quality of these sounds can be transferred to home exhibitions, audiences can enjoy them for a long lasting time.    

Editing in a film is part of the post-production process. It involves the use of digital technology to create the final form of the film that is ready to be exhibited. 

  • Before digital technology, films were edited though a process called Analogue editing, once the filming process was completed, it was cut down and pasted into an order, it then went though a machine such as a K.E.M.
  • This process has been revolutionized by making it quicker to edit a film. It can now also be done in a variety of ways at different times while continuity is still achieved.
  • The types of digital technology include;
  1. computers/laptops
  2. the use of many cameras at once
  3. software
  • For institutions, the revolutionized digital technology has allowed them to edit efficiently and quickly as well as doing it a range of ways to create the perfect outcome.
  • For audiences, the development of editing has created a range of different types of films. For example, short films which keeps audiences interested while appealing to a wider range.  

Special effects and Graphics 
Special effects also occur at the post -production stage whereby the editors insert the special effects using modern digital technology. 

  • When creating special effects and graphics before digital technology, filmmakers would use still images within the film to create illusions. Also, in the animation area, special effects and graphics would be created by drawings.
  • This process has been revolutionized with the use of digital technology. For example, the use of CGI in the creation of photo realistic images, characters, settings and objects. Images can now be created on a computer using the techniques of animated cartoons and model animation.
  • The types of digital technology include;
  1. Green screens
  2. software to create animations
  3. morphing effects
  4. stop and go motion
  • With the development of these digital technologies, institutions can now create a range of film genres, for example, syfi and animation. This allows them to appeal to a range of audiences and create films of good quality    
  • For audiences, the development of digital technology in this area allows them to watch a range of films that are of good quality. 

'71 Research task

In 1971, during the Irish Civil War, a young British soldier is accidentally abandoned by his army unit following a riot on the deadly streets of Belfast. 

'71 production budget was an estimated £8.1 million. It was produced by Crab Apple Films, Protagonist Pictures (sales agent) and Warp Films. Crab Apple films have also produced This Old House. Protagonist Pictures have produced a range of films, including How i Live Now and The Discovery. Warp Films have produced films such as This is England and Talking to the Dead

These are '71's theatrical distributors;

  • Ad Vitam Distribution
  • Aya Pro
  • Entertainment One
  • Good Films
  • NOS Audiovisuais
  • Roadside Attractions
  • Seven Films - Spentzos Film
  • Sundream Motion Pictures 

71' was released in 42 countries, these include;
  • Germany
  • France
  • Czech Republic
  • Israel
  • USA
  • Canada
  • Republic of Macedonia
  • Canada
  • Greece
  • Brazil
  • Norway
  • Spain
  • France
  • UK
  • Ireland
  • Sweden
  • Canada
  • Greece
  • India
  • Chile
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Kuwait
  • Australia
  • Estonia
  • Italy
  • Lithuania
  • Finland
  • Norway
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Serbia
  • Hong Kong
  • Turkey
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Italy
  • New Zealand
  • Japan
  • Germany
  • Portugal
  • Taiwan

'71's box office takings were $55,761 (27th February 2015). Its Gross was $1,268,760 (1st May 2015). I would expect '71 to be shown in 02 VUE because of the amount of countries it was distributed to, so it must be popular, as well as the production companies releasing other films into cinemas. '71 is also available on home exhibitions such as;
  • Online/ Netflix/ YouTube
  • DVD
  • TV

Horizontal and Vertical integration
Warp Films is its own independent film company. As they don't always have a big budget, they partner up with other companies to share out the budget. For example, '71 was influenced by 3 independent film companies.    

Frozen research task

The new Queen Elsa accidentally uses her powers to turn things into ice which curses her home town to have an eternal winter. He sister Anna teams up with a mountain man, his reindeer and a snowman to get Elsa back and save Arendelle.

Frozen's production budget was an estimated $150,000,000. It was produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures. They have also produced a range of films including;
  • Tangled
  • Toy story
  • The princess and the frog
  • Cinderella
  • Wreck it Ralph
  • Finding Nemo
  • confessions of a teenage drama queen

These are Frozen's theatrical distributors:

  • B&H Film Distribution
  • Feelgood Entertainment
  • Forum Hungary
  • Legend Cinemas
  • United International Pictures
  • Walt Disney Studios Japan
  • Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Norway
  • Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
  • Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing
  • Westec Media Limited
Frozen was distrusted in 84 different countries. These include;

  • Armenia
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Canada
  • Philippines
  • USA
  • Austria
  • Germany
  • Croatia
  • Israel
  • Republic of Macedonia
  • Malaysia
  • Portugal
  • Singapore
  • Bulgaria
  • Spain
  • Indonesia
  • India
  • Poland
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Hungary
  • Cambodia
  • Slovenia
  • Slovakia
  • Thailand
  • UK
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • Philippines
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Azerbaijan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Russia
  • Iceland
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • Greece
  • Hong Kong
  • Italy
  • Kuwait
  • Mexico
  • Ukraine
  • Finland
  • Pakistan
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Peru
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Serbia
  • Romania
  • Taiwan
  • Albania
  • Oman
  • Swaziland
  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Brazil
  • Lithuania
  • Puerto Rico
  • Sri Lanka
  • South Korea
  • Estonia
  • Ghana
  • Turkey
  • Bolivia
  • Sweden
  • USA
  • China
  • Morocco
  • Lebanon
  • Bangladesh
  • Japan
  • Japan
  • France
  • Senegal
  • Spain
  • Zambia
  • Ireland
  • Philippines
  • Netherlands
  • Greece
  • Japan 
Frozen's box office takings were $67,391,326 (29th November 2013). Its gross was $400,736,600 (11th July 2014). Frozen would be expected to be in the 02 VUE cinema because it is an international film, produced by Disney which is an international production company. Frozen is also available on a range of home exhibitions, these include;
  • DVD
  • YouTube/ online
  • Broadband movie's (eg, SKY movies)
  • TV channels 

Horizontal and Vertical integration
Disney studios is a vertical integration, however, they also partake in horizontal integration. For example, Disney usually create animation for young audiences, but they also partnered in creating Pirates of the Caribbean and Star Wars, examples of action films which are suitable for older audiences.

What are the advantages for a parent company of each type of ownership?

Advantages of a parent company owning horizontal integration

  • The can develop their skills in one area instead of spreading themselves thin in all 3 stages.
  • Through horizontal integration, the parent company can reach new audiences and control a bigger share of the film industry. (For example, Disney creating animation, mainly for children and then integrating to more action films such as the pirates of the Caribbean).
  • Allows companies to come together and work as a team to create something that couldn’t be produced on their own 
  • Through horizontal, a company owns several different writers and earns money from each of them when they work on a new film or project.

Advantages of a parent company owning vertical integration

  • In vertical integration, as the parent company owns the main areas of production, distribution and exhibition, they have final decision and they can cut out interference from other people at all three stages. 
  • By being in charge of all three stages, they can gain the maximum profit from exhibition instead of investing in a film and another company taking the majority of the profits. 
  • The distributor had control of the forms of exhibition and for how long ect.
  • Using vertical integration, big parent companies and overcome competition from independent film makers that cannot compete on the same level due to money, time, ect.

What happens at each stage of the Film Process

  • Production
Production is the process of making a film. Firstly having an initial idea about the film. This includes a storyboard, scripting and casting (pre-production). During the production stage, the film is then created (production). Once filmed, it is then edited and ready to be distributed (post-production).

  • Distribution
This stage involves the company ‘selling’ the film to the audience. This includes promoting the film to the press using interviews, adverts, posters, ect. This allows the audiences to know about the film before it is released into the cinemas or on DVD to encourage people to watch the film.

  • Exhibition
Exhibition involves the way in which people will see the film. This could be in a range of different settings including cinemas, DVDs, festivals, ect. With the new technology that is being created, there are new ways of ensuring the exhibition process such as online streaming.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Definition Research Task

·         Production - the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.
·         Distribution - the process of making a media text available for viewing by an audience.
·         Marketing - the means of communication between the company and the consumer audience.
·         Exhibition - a public display of media texts.
·         Audience - the people expected to watch or listen to a media text.
·         Institution - a company that owns numerous companies in various mass media.
·         Digital - is digitised content that can be transmitted over the internet or computer networks.
·         Ownership - is a process whereby progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media.
·         Convergence - the merging of mass communication outlets and interactive technologies through various digital media platforms.
·         Synergy - is the combined working together of two or more parts of a system so that the combined effect is greater than the sum of the efforts of the parts.
·         New Technologies - a method of or machine for doing something that is created by technology.
·         Hardware - the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer or other electronic system to create media texts.